Saturday, July 31, 2010

Olá!~ NC is back..

HELLO EVERYONE!! long time no see..... do you miss me?!

it's been a very long time since the last time I talked -.-
Ok so ah I've been busy learning Mandarin + mengurus semua keperluan kuliah (yang belum selesai sepenuhnya), and last but definetly not least RECORDING.

Alhamdullilah so far urusan kuliah sudah selesai..... yeaaayyyyyhhh.......
I got accepted in ERC Institute Singapore dan mulai kuliah tahun ini tepatnya Sept 20 (time goes by so extremely fast!) sudah siapkah saya??!! jawabannya 80% siap!! yang belum siap cuma mau tinggal dimana!! HAHAHAHAHA~ jujur saya sangatlah kesusahan dalam menentukan pilihan MAU TINGGAL DIMANA.. so I currently seeking for the best apartment! yang pasti tempat yang saya mau adalah yang AMAN dan NYAMAN dengan HARGA yang TERJANGKAU ^^ semoga dapat ditemukan secepatnya..

What's new in my life!?
nothing's new except my bangs HAHAHAHA..
it's finally back after enjoying the "NO BANGS" hair style for more than 2 years =D
well I know the hair style thing not that important for you to know~ but let me share the pic..

   some people said I look YOUNGER with bangs
   and I'm satisfied with that opinion (**,)
   hahahahahaha (let me laugh // I'm overjoyed)...

   well I have nothing more to be shared..
   segitu dulu ya ceritanya ^^
   I'll be back as soon as possible.
   God Bless you my friends..