Saturday, May 15, 2010


Greetings BOYS and GIRLS~!!!!!

My name is Natasha (people usually call me NATH or SASHA). I'm an 18 years old girl who was putting University of Indonesia as the first choice but then I failed the test!! I'm a bit disappointed to my self before but after all I realize that the unsatisfying result is NOT A BIG DEAL because now I know exactly what I want to be in the future and I know exactly what's good for me!!! Thanks for those who support me, those huge supports are priceless. I was one of thousands or perhaps millions of participants in SIMAK UI 2010!! and yes I failed -.-

WHAT NEXT...............?!?!?!?!?!?!
looks like I'll continue my education abroad and I'm planing to take business course for 6 months.. where??!! let's keep it as a secret first. I will tell you where is it when its all confirm!!~ but one thing that has been confirmed is the course will start on January (next year baby, HA!!) so I'm not leaving this country this year *finger crossed* .. This year, while waiting for the course to start and waiting for the time to leave my country I will take some short courses!! one of them is learn how to speak good Chinese / MANDARIN and to understand the language more. 不错,我喜欢 ;)


Sunday, May 9, 2010


it was 2 or 3 years ago (if I'm not mistaken) I was joining a vocal group.. 
looks like a BOY BAND with a girl inside (HA! whatever you name it...!!!)

it's one of the most memorable and irreplaceable experience I ever had. 
The group consist of 4 members ~ 3 handsome boys; JOSHUA, Teza *idol*, Geofanny!! and the one and only girl in the group is ME!! Too bad the group doesn't exist as exist as our friendship (hihihihi).. the group named SAQADAEX...

SAQADAEX dalam bahasa Sunda (SAKADAEK) berarti "Semaunya/Seenaknya" .. 

SAQADAEX dibentuk oleh Denada, Group ini diharapkan dapat meramaikan industri musik di Indonesia. Sangat disayangkan project ini tidak berjalan dengan lancar, banyaknya kendala yang ditemui mengakibatkan group ini dibubarkan. WHY I'M POSTING ABOUT THIS??!! because I suddenly miss the group so much.. 

I still remember at time this group exist atau mungkin saat sedang dibangun/dibentuk, we almost got together everyday!! We had vocal coach, we had dance coach, and yes we had FUN!!! 

this is really UNFORGETTABLE.....

Sunday, May 2, 2010

OH (why am I so..) RANDOM!!~

OH LA LA LA .... this is so RANDOM and yeaahhh this is so me (at time I posted this...) 
let see in the next hours I might change.. hahaha and YUP THAT's so ME!!!!! mood swings..

OK that's all I can share.. (in fact there are still more random pics) ~
sorry for the inconvenience and the RANDOMness...... my bad!! ;P